Saturday, April 4, 2015

Some more blooms

Because of all the rain we got in March, the bluebonnets are out in force.  Here are some from our front lawn!

After a few years of no blooms, and a few years with few blooms, the Mountain Laurels really looked pretty this year!

The coral honeysuckle are probably some of the first plants we planted at the new house.  They continue to look great, especially in the spring!

And the cross vines are doing well. Last year, we removed all of the morning glory that shared the fence with the cross vines.  Hopefully they will continue to come back now that they are not having to fight for space!  These guys only bloom for a short time each year, but when they do, they are beautiful!

Even the Jasmine Primrose, my least favorite plant, is putting forth some blooms.  Due to some continued heavy pruning, this shrub didn't even bloom last year.

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