My garden is struggling along. I'd hoped for better results, but I have been disappointed
Tomatoes: After having babied my tomatoes through the hot summer, I expected them to take off in the fall. They have done okay, but they have not set any fruit. All in all, the tomatoes this year have been a huge disappointment. Of the four non-cherry varieties that I planted, I think I have pulled only one tomato off in total :o(
Eggplant: I planted the eggplant too close to the tomatoes, and it was shaded all summer. With some of the top foliage dying on the tomatoes, the eggplant finally started flowering, and I have one eggplants starting to ripen!
Jalapenos: The jalapenos have been doing great! But, what to do with them? I have pulled over a dozen off of the two plants. Finally, I discovered the job of jalapeno poppers. Now, when I get five to ten ripe, I stuff them with cream cheese, wrap them in bacon and yum!!! The one success from my fall garden. :o)
Pumpkins: The pumpkins were doing great. I even had three growing on the vine. But they have all contracted some nasty fungus, and I have a feeling they are all going to die. They look pretty sad.
Cucumbers: Dave planted a bunch of pickling cucumber seeds... maybe a little late in the season. But we've been watering and watching. We pulled the first cucumber off the vine this weekend, and there are a bunch of tiny ones just waiting to grow... It is now a race against the clock, whether they will be ready before the first frost.
Cilantro: Once again, this freebie plant is springing up everywhere. Pretty cool actually, and the one thing that seems to grow in my garden easily!
Lettuce and Spinach: The spinach I planted a month or so ago is doing well. It hasn't gotten very big, so I have only taken a little off of it. Last week, I also planted some more lettuce beside it.
Broccoli: My broccoli was eaten up by caterpillars. I realized what was going on after the bugs had made it through half of my plants. I started hand picking them off, and that seems to have stopped the pillage, but the damage has already been done. I have one broccoli plant that has a teeny tiny broccoli head coming up. Nothings from the others. I am hoping that they will recover from being eaten and still produce...
Freebie potatoes: I have two or three freebie potato plants growing. They seem to be doing well, but again, it will be a race against the frost to see if they actually produce anything.
That is about all. I have this big full garden, but it really isn't producing much :o( but at least I am learning a little bit every year :o)
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