Sunday, August 13, 2017

Some tough August plants

This is a tough time of year to be a gardener, for sure. With one hundred degree days and no rain, it is all I can do to just keep my plants limping along toward September.  But there are a few plants that seem to strut their stuff in the hot oven.

No one can deny the glory of the Esperanza.  Requiring very little water, this plants shines in our hottest months.  My back porch Esperanza won't bloom until the fall, but my others always give up their best in August.

The leaves of the Firebush will wilt with a lack of water and extreme heat, but a garden hose once a week keeps its copperish leaves and bright orange tubes shining.

Because this bush dies to the ground each winter, it takes a long while for it to regain its previous year's size.  But once it does, it is a great bush for the garden!

And strangely enough, my delicate plumbago, the one I have killed multiple times, seems to be giving its best this month. 

I finally have found the right place for it, with morning sun and a little afternoon shade. This plant needs more water than others, but with a little extra care, it is one of my shining stars this August.

Beauty Berry
The native Beauty Berry has already formed berries which start to turn in the month of August.  I love this plant as it need very little water.  Every once in awhile, after being long neglected, it will let you know with its wilting leaves, but a cool draught of water, and it springs right back!

Obedient Plant
And this year, my Obedient Plant, my least favorite of all my plants, actually looks pretty good.  It isn't supposed to flower until the fall, but it took that heavy rain last week and turned it into bright flowers.  

Now I just need to find a good place for this plant, where it will thrive in the background, but not take over everything else!

Pride of Barbados
The Pride of Barbados shines it's gorgeous orange and red flowers high above its fern like leaves.

Flame Acanthus
The Flame Acanthus also stands up to the heat of summer. Not only it is blooming this summer, but it is sending little off shoots all around. Unfortunately, it was hit pretty hard by the cold this winter.  I trimmed it back, but didn't really preserve its shape.  Next year i will be more conscious of keeping a decent shaping, even if that means sacrificing a few limbs.

Come fall, I am hoping to dig up a few of the transplants and disperse them throughout the yard.

The Skyflower Duranta isn't a very showy bush, but I love its deep purple flowers that will bloom during the hottest of months.

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