Friday, January 13, 2017

A few more plants

After two days with lows in the teens, my garden is looking a little sad. I lost three lettuce plants, a bunch of carrot seedlings, and my broccoli and cabbage is somewhat brown :o(

I went to NG to purchase some replacement plants, but they were pretty low themselves.  

I planted four more broccoli.

One little lettuce plant

 and put down a row of snap peas.  
Photo take on 1/16, as the shoots are just starting to appear!
Kind of cool, my brussels sprouts are showing some baby sprouts!  Having never grown these before, I am not sure if this is normal, early or what... I know that I am not supposed to harvest them until April, so these baby sprouts seem a bit early, but who knows?

I would still like to put down two or three more cabbage plants.  I don't think I am going to get much of a harvest from my original set - between the freeze and the caterpillars, I only have two small plants left.

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