Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sweet potatoes

I harvested sweet potatoes today!  For the first time ever!  Woot!

I planted these babies back on May 15th.  The schedule says they should be ready to harvest on September 15th... but in my mind, I thought I was supposed to harvest them on August 15th. (That's why I keep a journal.  Maybe I should look at it before pulling up plants!)

Anyway, I got a decent number of potatoes - probably about a dozen.  They are somewhat smallish. If I grow them again in the future, I think I will wait another month before harvesting them.

I then set them in the garage for ten days to "cure" and I am now storing them in the fridge. I can't wait to try them!!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Lots of August Rain

The fire bush is a-fire :o)
We have been very busy recently, so I haven't gotten a chance to upload any photos.  Bu there are a few photos from some plants around the house.  Everything is so well watered and in-bloom.  Much different than our regular August!

My skyflower is doing great, both the one out front and on the porch!

Even the Obedient Plant, which always looks sad, it brightening its new far corner!

Last Christmas, I received this plant from a neighbor, who had a bunch of leftover cuttings.  It was literally just a piece of a branch.  My neighbor said to "stick it in the ground and water it"  He said it was not cold-tolerant, so it needed to remain potted.  Somewhat hesitantly, I stuck it into one of my existing pots.  And their it remained for many months.  This spring, I saw some new growth on it.  And today, it had this gorgeous flower.  The flower only lasted a few hours, but while it did, it was amazing!

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